


少林拳源于少林寺,拳因寺而得名,故名少林拳。少林拳是少林 拳术和器械的总称。少林寺位于我国河南省登封市境内,在登封市西 北约13公里处,是公元495年北魏孝文帝为来中国传教的印度僧人跋 陀所建造。由于寺建立在嵩山支脉少室山阴的密林丛中,故名嵩山少 林寺。

Shaolin Boxing is originated from the Shaolin Temple. It is named Shaolin Boxing due to the name of the Temple. Shaolin Boxing refers to both the Shaolin martial arts and weapons. Shaolin Temple locates in Dengfeng City, Henan province, about 13 kilometers away to the northwest of Dengfeng City. In 495, the Emperor Xiaowen of the Bei-Wei Dynasty constructed it for the Indian missionary monk Batuo. Since the Temple was built in Songshan offshoot, it is named Songshan Shaolin Temple.

关于少林武术的产生,世人有许多说法,但真正有据可信者应从 隋唐讲起。

There are many stories about the origin of Shaolin Wushu, but the credible evidence should start from Sui and Tang dynasties.

隋末唐初(公元620年),李渊、李世民父子为了争霸天下,与 盘踞在洛阳的隋朝大将王世充交战。在战斗的紧要关头,以昙宗为首 的少林寺僧,活捉了王世充的侄子王仁则,并将其捆绑送至唐营,立 了大功。李世民登基之后,“嘉其义烈,颁降玺书宣慰”(少林寺
碑),对立功和尚各有赏赐,其中罢宗被封为大将军。这次战斗,给 了少林武僧习武成名的机会,揭开了少林武术光辉灿烂的一页。少林 寺发展很快,名声日隆。贞观以后,少林寺僧“昼习经曲,夜练武 略,修文不忘武备”(西来堂志善碑),修佛习武成了少林寺世代相 传的独特宗风。

In 620, Li Yuan and Li Shimin fought against the general of the Sui Dynasty-Wang Shichong in Luoyang, in the crucial moment of the battle, Tan Zong headed Shaolin monks to arrest Wang Shichong nephewang Renze, and sent him to the Tang camp. After Li Shimin became the emperor, he rewarded the monks for their help, and Tan Zong was awarded the title of the General. This battle made Shaolin monks famous for their boxing. From then on, Shaolin martial arts had a glorious start. Afterwards Shaolin Temple has developed rapidly, its reputation has grown. After the Zhen Guan period, Shaolin monks ead the Buddhist books in the day, practiced martial arts in the night, while studying the Buddhist books, they didn forget military preparations?(from Xilai Tang Zhishan Tana-Monument). Studying the Buddhist books and practicing martial arts have become the unique Shaolin style passed on from generation to generation.

北宋年间,福居和尚做少林住持时,曾邀请全国武术名流云集少 林寺,虚心与各派切磋技艺。北宋末年,金兵南侵,少林寺武僧宗印 受命率“尊胜队”和“净胜队”两军,进发潼关,与金兵对垒,报效 国家。

In the Northern Song period, Fu Ju, the headmaster of Shaolin Temple, invited national celebrities in martial arts to Shaolin Temple in order to learn from each other. When Jin army invaded the Northern Song, the Shaolin monk Zong Yin was appointed to command unsheng team?and ingsheng team?to fight against the Jin army in Tongguan, serving the country.

元朝,崇尚释教,少林寺与皇家关系也十分密切,元世祖命福裕 大和尚住持少林寺,并统领嵩岳一带所有寺院。此时的少林寺,众常 两千。寺僧习武队伍中,如智庵、智聚、子安、党训等,都是当时身 怀绝技的名僧。

In Yuan dynasty, because Buddhism was popular, Shaolin Temple maintained close to the Royal,the Mongol emperor appointed Fu Yu to chair Shaolin monks and lead all the monasteries in Song Mountain area. At that time, the Shaolin Temple had 2,000 monks, among which Zhi An, Zhi Ju, Zi An and Dang Xun were very famous Monks in martial arts.

明代,少林武术蓬勃发展,誉满天下。少林棍在少林武术中占有 重要地位,少林僧所使用的兵器以棍最为闻名。《武备志》作者茅 元仪对少林棍给予了很高的评价。他认为“诸艺宗于棍,棍宗于少 林”。特别是在抗倭卫国的战争中,以棍为杀敌武器的“本+武僧屡 经调遣,奋勇杀敌”(少林寺万历二十三年七月碑)。“俱持铁棍长 七尺,重三十斤,运转便捷如竹杖,骁勇雄杰,官兵每临阵,辄用为 前锋……抡棍破敌,与者即仆,顷刻毙数倭”(《上海掌故丛书•吴 淞甲乙倭变志》)。少林僧为国为民的英烈壮举谱写了一曲曲动人 的、可歌可泣的雄壮诗篇。

In the Ming Dynasty, the Shaolin martial arts flourished and became famous in the world. The Shaolin stick held an important status in the Shaolin martial arts, which was also known as the most famous enginery for the Shaolin monks. Mao Yuanyi,author of the book 脱5/7〇仍 highly praised

the Shaolin stick. In his opinion, tick is the ancestor of all martial arts, and Shaolin is the cradle of the stick.w Especially in the Anti-Japanese Pirate War, stick was recorded in the weapon in July, 23 of perpetual calendar of Shaolin Temple stele as ur temple monks were maneuvered for several times and fought against the enemy bravely.w Another record in the Shanghai anecdotes senes-Wusong says WA11 of them held the stick which was 7 feet long, 30 jin in weight, and swift like the bamboo rod. The warriors were so brave that if any soldier be ahead of the war field, he would act as a vanguard-The Shaolin monks wrote many moving and praisable glorious epics which record their great behaviors for the nation and people.

清代,少林寺习武之风极盛。今之少林寺®比卢阁(又名千佛殿) 内青砖地面上尚存的当时寺僧练功形成的48个凹陷脚窝,就是少林寺 武僧长期从事武功训练的有力佐证。

In the Qing Dynasty, the fashion of learning Shaolin martial arts was prevailing. Today Shaolin pilu pavilion(also named Qianfo palace) still keeps the 48 hollow foot-making holes of the monk on the grey brick field, which is a strong evidence of the long time training of Shaolin monks.

民国时期,少林武术曾是“国术研究馆”主要学习和研究的内容 之一。然而由于当时军阀混战,给少林寺带来了灭顶之灾。1928年, 国民军冯玉祥部石友三与建国军樊钟秀战于河南,石友三攻占少林寺 后,为泄私愤,便纵火焚寺,大火持续40佘天,殿堂楼阁等古建筑全 被夷为平地,大量珍贵文物也一同化为灰烬。

During the period of Republic of China, the Shaolin martial arts were once one of the mainly studied and researched contents of he Museum of National Martial Artsw. However, the dogfights of the warlords at that time destroyed Shaolin Temple. In 1928, Shi Yousan, who belonged to the department of Feng Yuxiang of Kuoming Tang fought with Fan Zhongxiu, who belonged to the Jianguo army. Shi set fire on Shaolin Temple to give vent to his personal rage after attacking and occupying it. The fire lasted for more than 40 days, which destroyed all the constructions and precious cultural relics in the temple.

新中国成立后,少林寺和少林武术又获得了新生。党和政府不但拨 专款修复少林寺,而且对少林武术的发展也十分重视。特别是1982年, 香港中原影业公司功夫片《少林寺》的公映,使少林武术兴旺空前。

After the foundation of the People's Republic of China, both Shaolin Temple and Shaolin martial arts get their new lives. The Party and government not only allocate exclusively to rebuild Shaolin Temple but also pay much attention to the development of Shaolin martial arts. 1982 should be mentioned, as the film Shaolin Temple produced by HongKong Zhongyuan Film Company was released to the public, which made the Shaolin martial arts reach its climax.

少林拳是中华武术中一大派系,其内容丰富多彩。目前社会上广 为流传的典型拳路就有大洪拳、小洪拳、炮拳、罗汉拳、朝阳拳、梅 花拳、通背拳、长拳、关东拳、长护心意门、七星拳、心意拳、柔 拳、少林太极拳,以及各种器械、对练等。另外,还有与养生功、医 学、气功等有关的内容,都是十分宝贵的民族传统文化。

The Shaolin Boxing is one of the biggest section of Chinese Wushu. It is rich and colorful in contents. At present, the polular typical boxing routine includes Dahong Boxing, Xiaohong Boxing, Pao Boxing, Luohan Boxing, Zhaoyang Boxing, Meihua Boxing, Tongbei Boxing, Chang Boxing, Guandong Boxing, Changhuxinyimen Boxing, Qixing Boxing, Xinyi Boxing, Rou Boxing, Shaolin Taiji Boxing, and other different kinds of appliances and combats. What's more, there are some contents which are relevant with health preserving Kongfu, medicine, and Chikung, etc. They all belong to the very precious national cultures of tradition.





Shaolin Boxing is unvarnished, basing itself upon actual combat, and also has the distinctive characteristic of technical attack.


To punch out straight like a line, and to practice punching even in someplace only available for the cattles.

少林拳套路繁多,结构紧凑,短小精悍。演练时,起落进退多在 一条线上运动。众多少林拳家认为,从实战角度出发,真正交手相搏 无非几步之距,直线运动最为有效,方寸之间便有胜败之分。这充分 体现了少林拳不受场地大小限制,随时随地均可施展解数和发挥威力 的特征。

Shaolin Boxing has various sets and compact conformation, which is short but strong enough. When exercising, the movements up and down are almost in a line. Lots of masters of Shaolin Boxing believe that from the practice point of view,two people in a fighting encounter are only apart from each other for several paces, which means that the linear movement that division victory and defeat in a second is the most effective one. All above show fully that Shaolin Boxing is not restricted by the size of field, and its skills and power can be displayed anytime and anywhere.


Move rapidly, quickly and forcefully.

少林拳要求刚健有力、迅速激烈,即所谓“起手连珠炮,拳打一 气连”,“使势千着,以快为先”。在套路演练过程中,要求几个或 十几个动作连贯快速,一气呵成。少林拳虽以刚为主,但同时也要求 刚柔相济。“刚在他力前,柔在他力后”,动如风,站如钉;重如 山,轻如毛;守之如处女,犯之若猛虎;静则以逸待劳,动则使其无 喘息之机;如此等等。

Shaolin Boxing demands be energetic, powerful, and rapid actions, which is o start boxing with bombards,and to get it done without any letup?; he rapidness is before all in thousand boxing movements?. In the process of routine drilling, tens and several movements are required to be finished in a coherent and rapid way. Although Shaolin Boxing focuses on the firmness, it should be supported by flexibility. w Firmness comes first, and then flexibility.w To move like the wind, and to stand like the peg. Be heavy as mountain, light as feather. When defending, be as a virgin, when assaulting, like a tiger. Motionless is to wait at its ease for an exhausted encounter, and moving boxing makes the encounter be out of rest, etc.


Curl and straight both don^ always take their course, and the hand movements are full of flexibility.

就手法而言,少林拳要求两臂保持一定曲度,冲拳推掌,须蹬腿 转腰、抖肩发力。“身以滚而动,手以滚而出”,反对僵直拙力。在 完成动作的一瞬间,依手臂的自然反弹力,使手臂形成曲非曲、直非 直的态势,为继续攻防创造便利条件。滚出滚入,更是攻防技术的科 学反映,旋动可增强攻击力,滚动也有利于化解对方之力。

As for the hand skills, Shaolin Boxing requires the two arms to keep a certain degree of curvature. When striking a fist and push a palm, the legs should be driven, the waist be turned, and the shoulder be shaken powerfully. MThe body moves

according to the hand rolling movements, which abides by the rolling movements of itself.M Ankylosis and clumsiness are not allowed at all. At the very moment of finishing, the arms should form some kind of posture that is not so curl or so straight to create further condition for another convenient attack and defense. The rolling movements are even the scientific reflects on the technology of attack and defense, for the rolling can accumulate the power of attack, and is good for the defense to dissolve the attack.


Eyes on eyes as the eyes skills.

少林拳对眼的要求是必须头随势转,手到眼到,以目注目,“以审 敌势”。演练少林拳,眼要明亮有神,眼明方能手快。“虎视眈眈,气 息沉沉,目光炯炯,含有神威”,显示咄咄逼人之势。

The requirements of Shaolin Boxing for eyes rely on the head movements according to the posture, the eyes* trace for the hand, and eyes on eyes to scan the enemy. When practicing Shaolin Boxing, one eyes should be as sharp as possible to make the movements rapid. uBe hostile in gaze, calm in mind, bright in eyes, and divine in temperament,?which then can result in aggressive vigour.

交手,不是注意对方手和身躯,而是观察对方眼神,以目注目, 算计对方。

When fighting against each other, one pays his attention to the others expression in his eyes, not his hands and body, to plan the next step.


To be balanced in body movements, and flexible in foot movements.

少林拳要求进攻时力求重心稳固,身正发力,以加强进攻力度。 防守动作则要求动作灵活,灵敏快速。凡退凡落多要求侧面对敌,以 缩小受击面,便于防守与进攻。

When attacking, Shaolin Boxing requests the firm barycenter and straight body to exert force, which can also increase the attacking power. When defense, it requests flexibility and rapidness. In a word, the defensing movements mostly require side posture to reduce the scope of attacked area and be good for further defense and attack.


To pay attention to the harmony cooperation of the Three Inside and Three Outside combines, and to exert force by breathing.

内外合一、形神兼备是少林拳整体动作的特点。每个招式都必须 做到手到、眼到、身到、步到,周身各部位密切配合,协调一致。 由于少林拳动作紧凑,不易大开大合,所以对身体也有相应的具体 要求,“肩与胯合,肘与膝合,手与足合”,即所谓“外三合”。少 林拳把思想比作心,“心动勇气生”,“心一颤,四梢皆至,内劲即 出”,“心动必形随”,“心与意合,意与气合,气与力合”,即所 谓“内三合”。少林拳谱中称:“法是拳,力是气,练气行动,送去- 必用呼,接来必用吸,运气贵乎缓,用气贵乎急,气在先行,力在后 随。”实际上是讲技击格斗和套路演练中意识与行动的高度统一。

Internal and external integration, and unity of form and spirit is the characteristics for the whole Shaolin Boxing movements. Each posture must move hands, eyes, body, and feet to make the whole closely cooperate and coordinate with each other. As Shaolin Boxing moves the entire body compactly and is difficult to open a large, the body has a corresponding specific requirements: wThe hip and shoulder, elbow and knee, hand and foot should combine with each other.w which is the so-called inside three combines. Shaolin Boxing takes the thoughts as the heart, ourage will form if heart beats, f heart beats, the four extremity get its beat and the internal power comes outw wBody movements trace back the heart beats.?eart and will combine,the same with will and breath, and breath and strength.?which is the so-called outside three combines. The Shaolin Boxing chart says, MFist is the law, and breath is the strength. When exercising breathing in motions, intake and outtake of breath should abide by the movements. The intake of breath relies on the slowness, and the outtake hurry. Breath is always before the strength.?In fact it tells that the highly unification of consciousness and acts in the technical fighting and routine practicing.


Boost the morale of boxing by roaring.

少林拳的演练过程中还有一个发声特点,这就是以声助威。通常 演练者除了在套路结尾时随最后的动作发声“威”外,演练过程中也 常有“呀” “呜”“哈”等不同发声。这些发声源自腹腔,短促有 力,吼声如雷,富有震撼感。

There is another articulation feature of Shaolin Boxing, which is to boost the morale of boxing by roaring. Usually apart from ending the exercise routines with the final articulation of ei?, the course of this exercise can often be heard of a?,oo?and ah?. These articulations are from the abdomen, short but powerful, thundering, rich and shockin



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