completed Act 1, he changes his left palm into a fist, takes it to the left side of his waist with the fist’s back facing downward, and, while moving his right foot leftward for stamping it beside his left foot, pushes his right fist upward and forward, with the fist^ back facing forward. Now he looks into distance, (fig. 5-2)


The practitioner is required to pay special attention to the following points: © He has to execute the move of tum- ing left 180° very agilely.② The upward jab of his right fist should pack a real punch. ® The stamping of his right foot should be done in sync with the jabbing of his right fist.


体左转180°,左脚抬起即落原 地,屈膝成弓步;同时,右掌变拳 收于腰间,拳心向上,左掌随体转 由上向前、向下划孤扒搂、置于体 前,掌心向下。目视前方。(图5-1)

上动不停,重心前移,右脚与 左脚并拢,跺踏地面;同时,左掌 变拳置左腰间,拳心向上,右拳向 前上冲击,拳心向里,目视前方。 (图 5—2)




Form 6

There are altogether four acts in this form, and they have to be executed consecutively:

Act 1: This act contains two parts which need to be performed simultaneously:

The 1st part: Having, moved his right foot a full step backward and turned right 90°, he bends his right knee for shifting the weight of his torso mainly onto his right leg by fully stretching his left leg and by prodding his left foot against the ground.

The 2nd part: Having changed his fists into palms, he pushes them right- ward and downward, with the left palm preceding the right and with both palms facing downward. Now he stares leftward and downward, (fig. 6-1)

Act 2: This act contains two parts which need to be performed simultaneously:

The 1st part: Having moved his left foot a full step backward and turned left 180°, he bends his left knee for shifting the weight of his torso mainly

onto his left leg by fully stretching his right leg and by prodding his right foot against the ground.

The 2nd part: He pushes his palms leftward and downward, with the right palm preceding the left and with both palms facing downward. Now he stares rightward and downward, (fig. 6-2)

Act 3: This act contains two parts which need to be performed simultaneously:

The 1st part: Having moved his right foot a full step backward and turned right 180°, he bends his right knee for shifting the weight of his torso mainly onto his right leg by fully stretching his left leg and by prodding his left foot against the ground.

The 2nd part: He pushes his palms rightward and downward, with the left palm preceding the right and with both palms facing downward. Now he stares leftward and downward, (fig. 6-3)


Act 4: This act consists of two parts which should be performed consecutively:

The 1 st part: While doing continuously the four moves of turning left 90°, settling his left foot beside his right foot,


lifting his left foot off the ground until his left thigh becomes roughly level so that he stands only on his right foot, and setting his torso erect, he assembles his palms to the left side of his abdomen, with his right palm covering the back of his left palm.

The 2nd part: Now he changes his palms into fists and flings them into opposite directions. Thereupon his left fist is rested on the top of his left thigh with its back facing downward, and, with its back facing upward, his right fist is positioned above his head. Now he looks into distance, (fig. 6-4)

In doing this movement, what merits the practitioner5 s special attention includes the following points: © He should have his arms and feet move in sound coordination. © All the downward plunges of his palms must be done energetically.⑤ His stance of standing only on his right foot should be maintained steadily. ® The fling of his fists in opposite directions should happen in sync with the move of raising his left foot off the ground.




90°,屈膝成右弓步;同时,两拳 变掌顺体转向右下拽撩,左掌在 前,右掌随之,掌心向下,目视左 下方。(图6-1)

左脚向后倒退一步,体左转 180°,屈膝成左弓步;同时,两掌 随体齐向左下拽捺,掌心向下,右 掌在前,左掌随之,目视右下方。 (图 6-2)

右脚向后倒退一步,体右转 180°,成右弓步;同时双掌随体转向 右下拽捺,掌心向下,左掌在前,右 掌随之,目视左下方。(图6-3)

体左转90°,左脚收至右脚 处,屈膝提起,右腿独立支撑;同 时,右掌合压左掌于左腹前,接着 变拳随起身上下撑开,左拳置于左 腿上面,拳心向上,右拳上举头 顶,拳心向下,目视前方。(图6—4)

要点:上下肢配合协调,左、 右拽捺有力,支撑要稳,上下撑拳 与独立同时完成。

Form 7

This form consists of four acts which should be executed in succession:

Act 1: Having put his left foot down onto the ground, he takes his fists to his waist, with their backs facing


downward, and then looks into distance, (fig. 7-1)

Act 2: This act contains two parts which are to be done simultaneously:

The 1st part: As soon as he lifts his right foot off the ground, he has his right instep aligned with his right tibia and then unleashes his right foot in a forward kick.

The 2nd part: Having changed his right fist into a palm, he stretches it forward just in time to slap his right instep at the moment his right foot springs up. Now he looks into distance, (fig. 7-2)

Act 3: This act contains two parts which need to be performed simultaneously:

The 1 st part: As soon as his right foot is put down onto the ground at a spot which is a step ahead of his left foot, he bends his right knee for shifting the weight of his torso mainly onto his right leg by fully stretching his left leg and by prodding his left foot against the ground.

The 2nd part: He withdraws his right palm, changes his left fist into a palm, and assembles his palms before

his chest, with the palms facing each other and with all his fingers pointing upward. Now he looks into distance, (fig. 7-3)

Act 4: This act consists of two parts which are to be executed simultaneously:

The 1st part: Having stamped and at the same time settled his left foot beside his right foot, he bends his knees for slightly lowering his trunk.

The 2nd part: Having changed his palms into fists, revolved his forearms inwards so that his fists are thus turned to face his chest, and thrust his right fist levelly right and his left fist levelly left, he switches his fists, now with his right arm being fully and levelly extended right and with his left arm being fully and levelly extended left, up- ward and inwards for his either fist to describe an arc in the air until his fully extended arms are positioned vertical. After that, he lowers his fists until they are dropped to points in front of his chest and then jerks them levelly forward from those points, with their backs facing upward. Now he looks into distance, (fig. 7-4)

What the practitioner should be reminded of in performing this movement includes the following points: 0 His kick should be forceful. © The slap his right palm delivers to his right instep should be clearly audible. ® His arms and legs should move in nice coordination.④ The levelly forward and simultaneous jerk of his fists should be energetic.


左脚落地,两拳收回腰间,拳 心向上,目视前方。(图7—1)

左腿支撑,右腿提起,右脚面 绷平向前上方踢击;同时,右拳变 掌前伸击拍右脚面,目视前方。(图 7-2)

右脚向前落地,屈膝成弓步; 同时,右掌收回,接着左拳变掌与 右掌置于胸前,掌心相对,掌指向 上,目视前方。(图7-3)

左脚与右脚并拢,跺踏地面, 两腿微屈膝蹲身;同时,双掌变拳 内旋向两侧、向上、向胸前绕行合 扰,接着向前方击出,拳心向下,


要点:踢击有力,拍击响亮, 上下肢协调一致,双拳前击有力。

This form contains five acts which should be performed successively:
Form 8

Act 1: Having moved his right foot a step backward and turned right 90°, he bends his knees until his thighs are horizontal to assume the wseated- on-saddlew stance* . In the course of turning right 90°, he swings his fists outwards for either of them to energetically describe a downward arc in the air. Thus his fists move circularly and concurrently until his forearms are positioned horizontal, with the backs of his fists facing downward. Now he stares leftward and down-

Act 2: Having stood up, moved his left foot a step backward, and turned left 180°, he bends his knees, until his thighs are horizontal, to assume the wseated-on-saddlew stance. In the course of turning left for 180°, he switches his fists first outwards and then upwards for either of them to forcefully describe a full arc in the air. And thus his fists move circularly and concurrently until they meet before his abdomen, with their backs


■ facing downward. Now he stares _ rightward and downward, (fig. 8-2) Act 3: Having stood up, turned I right 180°, and moved his right foot a step rightward and backward, he bends his knees, until his thighs are horizontal, to assume the useated-on- saddle” stance. While turning right 180°, he swings his fists first outwards and then upwards and inwards for either of them to speedily describe an arc in the air. Thus his fists are set to move circularly and concurrently before they swoop downward to halt simultaneously in front of his abdomen, with their backs facing downward. Now he stares leftward and downward, (fig. 8-3)

Act 4: Having stood up, turned left 90°, and moved his right foot to settle beside his left foot, he slightly bends his knees for lowering his torso a bit. In the interim he changes his fists into palms, moves his forearms toward each other for laying them intersected in front of the left side of his abdomen, with his right forearm staying above his left, with his left palm facing upward, and with his


Act 4: Having stood up, turned left 90°, and moved his right foot to settle beside his left foot, he slightly bends his knees for lowering his torso a bit. In the interim he changes his fists into palms, moves his forearms toward each other for laying them intersected in front of the left side of his abdomen, with his right forearm staying above his left, with his left palm facing upward, and with his


right palm facing downward. Now he looks into distance, (fig. 8-4)

Act 5: (The instant he completes the last act he proceeds immediately to do this act.) While lifting his left foot off the ground and leaving his left shin roughly vertical, he extends his right arm upward to position his right palm above his head, leaving the palm to face upward, and at the same time lets his left arm hang close to his body, leaving his left palm to face downward. Now he looks into distance, (fig. 8-5)

In doing this movement, the practitioner needs to be mindful of the following points: 0 All his limbs should move in good coordination. ② Every withdrawal of foot and every downward lash of hand should be carried out with a lot of force. © When standing only on one foot, he should evince notable equilibrium in perching poised.



右脚向后倒退一步,体右转 90°,两腿屈膝,身向下蹲成低马 步;同时,两拳以拳背随体转向腹 前划孤砸击,目视左下方。(图8—1)


将身直起,左脚向后倒退一 步,体左转180° ,两腿屈膝,身向 下蹲成低马步;同时,双拳随转体 向两侧划孤,向腹前合拢砸击,拳 心向上,目视右下方。(图8—2)

将身直起,体右转180°,右脚 向右后退一步,两腿屈膝,身向下 蹲成马步;同时,双拳随转体向两 侧划孤,接着向腹前合拢砸击,两 拳心向上,目视左下方。(图8—3) 将身直起,体左转90°,右脚 向左脚并拢,两腿屈膝下蹲;同 时,双拳变掌,右臂压左臂置于左 腹前,左掌心向上,右掌心向下,


上动不停,继而右腿直立支 撑,左腿屈膝提起;同时,两掌向 上下撑开,左掌心向下,右掌心向 上,目视前方。(图8—5)

要点:肢体协调一致,倒步砸 击有力,支撑要稳。

Form 9

This form contains three acts which should be performed consecutively: Act 1: Having moved his left foot a step forward, he bends his left knee for shifting the weight of his torso

mainly onto his left leg by fully stretching his right leg and by prodding his right foot against the ground. While doing the moves specified above, he carries out the following moves in succession: © changing his palms into fists, ® taking his left fist to his waist with its back facing downward, and ® thrusting his right fist levelly forward with its back facing upward. Now he fig.9-1 (图 9 1) looks into distance, (fig. 9-1)

Act 2: (The instant he completes the last act he proceeds immediately to do this act.) Having taken care to leave the posture of his lower limbs unchanged, he performs the following moves simultaneously: 0 He swiftly withdraws his right fist to his waist with the fist ’ s back facing downward.② He thrusts his left fist levelly forward with its back facing upward. Now he looks into distance, (fig. 9-2)

Act 3: Having rapidly withdrawn his left fist to his waist with its back facing downward, he jabs his right fist levelly forward, with its back facing upward. Now he looks into distance, (fig. 9-3)图片13


what the practitioner needs

to pay special attention to is this: Every forward jab of his fist should be quick and powerful.


左脚落前一步,屈膝成弓步; 同时,双掌变拳,左拳收回腰间, 拳心向上,右拳向前击出,拳心向 下,目视前方。(图9—1)

上动不停,下肢不动,迅速将 右拳收回腰间,拳心向上,左拳平 臂向前击出,拳心向下,目视前 方(图9-2)

将左拳即速收回腰间,拳心向 上,继之右拳平臂向前击出,拳心 向下,目视前方。(图9-3)


Form 10

This form contains the three successive acts enumerated below:

Act 1: This act contains two parts which need to be performed simultaneously:

The 1st part: He turns right 90° and puts his left foot backward and rightward so that it settles behind his right foot.

The 2nd part: While taking his right fist to his waist with its back facing


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