

Raise palm: Palm upward, bent arm raises above the amount of about 15 centimeters.

(6) 扳掌:屈臂内收,掌经胸前,以肘关节为轴向前弹击。五指 自然分开,掌心向内,力达掌背?

Plate palm: Bend arm inside, palm by chest and elbow punches forward. Five fingers to separate natural, palm inward, power punches to palm-back.

(7) 枪手:双掌手心向上,从腰间向前上方插出,力达指尖。

Spear hands: Raise palms upward and forward from the waist, power punches to fingertip.

(8) 搂手:双手侧立,手背均向外,右手高,左手低,双臂呈弧 形向同侧方向搂出D

Brush hand: Side standing with both hands, the hands are outside, right hand high, left hand low, curved arms are in arc, brush hand to the same direction.

(9) 云手:两手相对于胸前,左手在上,两手依次在头顶上方 盘旋一周后变拳抱于腰间。

Wave hands: Both hands on the front chest, left hand up, both hands are circling over the head a week after the change fist in the lumbar.

(10) 舞花手:两掌根相对交叉,逆时针或顺时针绞花。

Wave-circle hands: Cross-relative palm, counterclockwise or clockwise twist spent.

(11) 插指:两手由拳变指,手臂由屈到伸,两手由腰间快速插 出,力达指尖。

Trust finger: Fist of both hands change finger, bent arm to extension, hands fast trust from waist, power punches to fingertip*

(12) 按爪:爪由上向下按击,力达掌心。

Press claw: The claw presses downward by the strike force to palm.

(13) 十字手:两掌手腕胸前交叉,掌指朝上,向前推击。

Cross hands: Both palms cross-wrist chest, fingers point up and push forward.

(14) 撩掌:由下向前屈臂外旋,小指、无名指、中指、食指随 屈腕直指向掌心卷收?

Circle-up hand: Bend arm forward by circle out, little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger with the bent wrist directing straight at the palm furled.

3. 財法 Elbow position

(1) 顶肘:屈肘握拳,手心向下,肘尖前顶或侧顶,力达肘尖D

Push elbow: Bend elbow and hold a fist, palm-heart downward, elbow-tip pushes forward or side, power punches to elbow-tip*

(2) 盘肘:手臂平举,拳心向下,前臂由外向灼盘肘。

Bend elbow: Arm raising level, fist-heart downward, forearm is from outer to inner, bending elbow.

(3) 架肘:屈臂外旋上举,拳心向前上方或正下方,屈臂90。置


Raise elbow: Bend arm swing outside, fist-heart punches above or just below, then bend arm 90° at forehead, hut then it is high with the head.

(4) 格肘(里格、外格):前臂上屈,手心向里,力在前臂,向 内横拨为里格,向外横拨为外格

Parry elbow ( parry inside, parry outside ): Bend forearm up, palm-heart inside, the strength in the forearm, parrying inside is parrying inside: parrying outside is parrying outside.

(5) 橫击肘:肘关节屈,弧形向前,屈臂平击,力达肘尖和前臂 外侧,

Crosscut elbow: Bend elbow, curved forward and punched, power punches to elbow-tip and forearm outside.


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